STONED_RAIDER - 6.19.03: I have created a new menu for the site that is a lot more cooler. I've decided not to move the site until I have finished with my own, which is on its way to completion of v.3. Until then the site will remain here, also I want to redo it for the new host like I have done my own. I will put the Clan Match Request form up sometime soon, but I will have to put someone in charge of carrying out the actual match during the month of July, because I will be gone from the 1st through the 26th and busy the rest of the month.

STONED_RAIDER - 5.30.03: I got the host! Feel the power! Muahaha. Now that I have the host I have to go to the hassle of moving not only this site but my own site as well to the new host. But that's not important right now. I said I was going to remove a bunch of members, and now I have. Effective Sunday, June 1st, if you are NOT on the Clan Members list you are no longer part of Knights Of Pimp Slayers. This goes for everyone that has joined but didn't appear on the list. The list is already updated for Sunday. New members will have stricter admittance req's then previous, to weed out the whiny bastards.

STONED_RAIDER - 5.22.03: Hey guys. I have a proposition for a name change that is so minimal it would only change the meaning of KOPS from Knights Of Pimp Slayers to Knights Of Psychotic Slayers. This is in anticipation of what I am proud to announce, is that we will be gettin a server in the next few months as i have accquired parts for one finally! Yay! lol. Go to the forum and go to the Name Change topic and voice your opinion. Also, I will hopefully be soon accquiring the new site host for a much better website.

STONED_RAIDER - 5.1.03: Sorry guys about not being around so much and not playing with you guys either, but I am SWAMPED with other, more important things (i.e. Track, my GF, school, that stuff). I am not pleased about the site, or many of the members. So here is what is upcoming:
1) I am tired of members complaining to me to do this and do that and why don't you play anymore or why don't we have clan matches and blah blah blah I'm sick of this crap. In a few weeks you will see a list of members being REMOVED from the clan. Do not try to get on my good side. Some of you guys know who you are.
2) The gbook. That pisses me off, too. Sorry Todd, but I don't have IPs logged for the original one. So I replaced it. We have a new gbook, one that DOES have an IP logger.
3) To go with #2, I have created a Site Policy that you all should read. If that is not followed by ANYONE who comes to this site, then the consequences listed will be followed through with.
4) With my summer break soon approaching (6 weeks to go!), we will try to do a lot of clan matching and more clan activites.
5) With the removal of some members, there will also be a reform and a new executive order of admins and members in the clan. More on that later.
6) Finally, I want ALL members that want to use the forum become a registered member.

I am done now. A few tweaks here and there on the site. Thats is for now. Laaaaaaaatte

STONED_RAIDER - 3.23.03: AnDrEvAs is now STONED_RAIDER, so now you won't be confused. Also, I did away with the anti-[ICE] clan rule since I cannot enforce that.

AnDrEvAs - 3.22.03: The Registration form works! Now you can enlist directly through the site instead of through the old clan site.

AnDrEvAs - 3.21.03: Ammended the No AWP rule, changed some format of the layout of things, added a registration page but I don't know if it works yet, and a few other touch ups.

AnDrEvAs - 3.13.03: I am going to ammend the No AWP rule, and also come up with more rules. Think we need a dedicated server? Well your absolutely right!! We will be accepting donations for purchasing a computer to do that. Click on Donate in the menu to read about it more.

AnDrEvAs - 2.22.03: I just installed's Fireworks Mod. It's pretty hott. Check the screenshots:

AnDrEvAs - 1.31.03: OK it seems that clan members are abusing the purpose of the Gbook and Forum. They are not to be used like that, so just don't. And Alex, just fuck off stop being immature, grow up, and in a year or 2 I might let you back in. So far your just causing trouble. It's your own fault for being kicked from the clan.

AnDrEvAs - 1.11.03: There will be a 5 on 5 match vs. -{FDM}- at their server on Jan. 18th at 6 PM PST (Pacific time). I want Bubathestinkpot, wet crap, First Blood, Luigi, Hippys_Suk, or CODE RED (5 of you guys total) to be in it. E-mail or IM me for more details.

AnDrEvAs - 1.11.03: We need to get matches with other clans already. Attempts with [ICE] failed and since they are banned, we will find other clans :). Other clans reading this that want to match/scrim/whatever e-mail me since I do not have the match sign up form up yet. Also I will most likely change the site over to a new host for better downloads off our site.

AnDrEvAs - 1.5.03: I have created 2 forums, one main one for the site with Alxnet and another one at I have also tested my computer for dedicated server business, but it crashed after 1-2 hrs. And within the next month or 2 I will get a better web site host. For now, to join go to and sign up through there, or just e-mail me. Out.